Day 33 - Day off to move campsite - Treveague Farm to Gorran Haven - 2 Miles
The day for moving campsite dawned very dewy and half sunny. The forecast of yesterday had been promising sunshine... sounding unbroken and it turned out to be far from that!
I got up and showered and had tomato pasta for breakfast that I had bought in Tesco in Truro on the drive home last night. I started putting the tent down. There was no point in letting it all dry out as I was going to be putting it back up in a couple of hours.
I'd spied a likely campsite on the map near Dodman Point, the proposed end of my day's walk if I got chance to walk that far? I wandered down to the house at Dacum Farm to say goodbye, but there was a note on the door saying that Cath and Dee were out and would be back later. Not much later than a normal day and I had packed up all my stuff and dismantled the tent etc this morning. I set off on my journey of yesterday.. towards Falmouth and then Truro and then off towards St Austell. Just as I entered town I turned right down the B3273 towards Mevagissy.
It turned out that the campsite I had seen was some very official sounding holiday park that had won campsite of the year for 4 years. Hmm it all sounded a bit posh and busy for me. There was another campsite signposted at Treveague Farm and so I decided to change my mind and go and investigate that. It turned out to be pleasant looking enough and so I walked to the house to book up for the next three nights with the proviso I might stay on on saturday too depending on where I had got to.
It turned out to be 15 quid a night, which I thought was a bit steep? I'd thought Lower Dacum farm was enough at 11 quid a night. Maybe this place charges by the tent not the person? Not sure?
The cloud had thinned and cleared and it was hot work putting up the tent! I decided all of a sudden that I would take the day off from walking and go and investigate Vault Beach, another naturist friendly beach only looking to be a short stroll from here. It had gone 11.30am by the time I had got the tent up etc etc and it would have been a real rush to drive all the way over to Carne Beach and bit of a forced route march to walk back and then cycle back to collect the car. Its not like most of the days have been beach weather days while I am down here and the forecast was seeming to say that tomorrow would be grimmer again with rain coming in from the north west through the day.
I set off in my sandals to the top of the hill in the campsite up a footpath and joined the lane at the top, turning left and hen cutting down the field to join the coast path.
The path down to Vault Beach was at the far end of course, while the naturist section was the far end nearest to Dodman Point. Oh well I had all day to zig zag my way first above the beach and then back down the sand or grit beach. There were a few naturists about but it was pretty quiet considering the lovely weather. I sat on the rocks at the waters edge for ages. It was actually a bit hot even for me! Very enjoyable though. I felt a little frazzled by the end of three or so hours. It started to cloud over a little with high cirrus clouds and so I called it a day and walked back along the beach to the path up.

Above Vault Beach looking south over the naturist section towards Dodman Point.

The northern end of the beach and the path down to it at Cadythew Rock.

Looking along almost the entire stretch of Vault Beach as I descend towards the path down to it.
I decided to carry on around the coast path to Gorran Haven as I knew there was a path up to the farm from there as I had seen a signpost at the farm. I'd left my map in the car though, so finding it might end up being a bit of guesswork!! The little bit of beach that was left at Gorran Haven was packed with people on every square inch! lol!

After rounding Maenease Point Gorran haven starts to come into view.

My final approach to Gorran Haven with its packed postage stamp of sand left at high tide.

The harbour and sand at Gorran Haven as I smell fish and chips in the air!
As I descended the path to he houses in the valley bottom the smell of fish and chips drifted up to meet me. It was far too tempting and I went to buy some scampi and chips with mushy peas! While I was in there a woman from Finance at work came in... amazing isn't it!?
I went and sat at the back of he beach while I was eating them.. they were very nice, though I seemed on an incredible go slow to finish them? I was feeling a little odd and hoped I'd not overdone he sun and got sunstroke! When I'd finished I headed up the lane calling in at the post office for some cold bottles of diet coke. I asked in there about the path up to the Farm and was given directions so all good in the end despite forgetting my map.
I slowly wandered gradually uphill all the way. I had a shower.. tokens... 50p a throw... even more expensive?! Nice enough though.
I typed up the diary and read and went to bed about 9.30pm. I am really tired today for some reason and I have done very little! I hope I am ready to face more walking tomorrow! Got some catching up to do to make it worth my while travelling so far down here!
Map of the day's walk:(click to enlarge)

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