Travel to Barnstaple for Part 2
I got up and finished packing and got a lift to Tamworth Station from mum. I went early so as not to clash with her opening the shop. My train to Birmingham was supposed to be at 9.33am, but I got an earlier one and spent the time until my Exeter train left (10.12am) looking around the book shops in Birmingham.
The journey to Exeter St. David's was uneventful, and here I changed for the local train to Barnstaple. This section took a good while, but it was beautiful – heavy showers and sunshine as we followed the valley of the River Taw, stopping at various small hamlets along the way. The trees seemed slightly behind those at home in coming into full leaf, but it was certainly a kaleidoscope of fresh greens and carpets of blue bells all the way.
I arrived at Barnstaple on time at 2.14pm!!! A good train experience for a change!!! The station is on the far side of the Taw Estuary and so I had to cross the many arched bridge. The station is actually on The South West Coast Way path, so I actually ended up walking backwards on my walk to the tourist information!!! As if I hadn't enough walking ahead of me in the ensuing week already!:)
I got to the TIC to find my first night's accommodation, having booked all the others in advance by phone and on the internet from home. I was greeted by a small queue and a very harrassed Basil Fawlty lookalike!! – Tall, thin, moustache and posh voice…. Really quite spooky. The similarities ended there though, as he was INCREDIBLY helpful!!! When he eventually got to me, he booked the room for me.. only £20 for B&B at Little Orchard in Braunton Road ( Which would mean even more backwards walking!!:)). He went into the minutest details when explaining how to get there, drawing trees, traffic lights etc onto the map, explaining local points of interest, where all the pubs were etc etc. Incredible! Well done to him!!
I decided on a wander around town for a while before making my way to the B&B. I stopped ina pub for a while after looking around the lovely indoor market and buying a sandwich in Marks and Spencers. While in the Cork and Bottle, I decided to have a read of the guidebook and wished I hadn't. The description of the way ahead after Clovelly is peppered with scary words such as 'strenuous', 'arduous', 'harder going than anything encountered thus far'. EEEEK!!! Gawd help me!:) If I don't get as fas as I have planned so be it!! After having a pint I crossed the bridge over the River Yeo and down to Little Orchard. The room was very small – a box room with a shower in the corner and a toilet not used by anyone but me, right outside the door. Marvellous for £20 though!
I settled in and watched TV for a while and then decided to go into town for food and something to do really. I had a look at a mexican restaurant (Jalapeno Peppers), but it wasn't open yet and so I ended up wandering along to The Panniers Wetherspoons Pub that Simon and I had eaten in previously. I wandered back to the B&B and went to bed after watching some TV, quite excited that the proper walking started again the next morning!!!

The many arched bridge over the Taw Estuary in Barnstaple with the Museum and Tourist Information Centre on the far side.
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